
Dec 1, 2008

NYC Chroma Face Glow: Dupe for MAC MSF's petticoat and so ceylon

*6/14/11 - I'm selling Moonstone and Sunstone just in case you missed out. If you are interested in purchasing one of the NYC Chroma Face glows I do have 3 in stock. I have 2 of the Moonstone and 1 of the Sunstone. So if you are interested in buying this limited edition product please leave a comment and I will get back to you to answer questions about pricing and shipping fee's etc. Thank you and welcome to my blog!
Exact dupe for MAC MSF's, and I mean EXAAAAAACT. The new limited edition NYC Chroma face glow. Luv it!!!! It is awesome.....
I had read somewhere about this comparison and guess what it is insane because they are identical, no kidding, cut n' dry. I had to see for myself and there is practically no difference (yeah, besides the price, NYC's is $6 vs. MAC is $21.
MAC has uh, too much shimmer on the Petticoat and So Ceylon, so this NYC stuff is even better. With MAC's the pigment-too much, NYC's pigment is just right.
So, I already have 'Moonstone' which is the color to the right on the pic that I've posted here. This pic is kinda dark and washed out (so please excuse, the colors are actually more vibrant and colorful) and the other 2 top pics I credit those to ebay users where I was able to get them.
After work I'm running to my nearest CVS where I will buy like 10 more of these goodies.....mahahaha!
NYC Chroma Face Glows for Sale $10
-**I have 1 more left**Moonstone (pink shimmered with pastel & maroon veining)
-**2 in stock**-Sunstone (bronzy beige color, shimmery with gold and maroon veining)
So I ran around town and bought plenty of them.
Click here to view the SWATCHES of them both
If anyone is looking for a dupe of MAC's Petticoat (or any other hard to find MSF's) and can't seem to get a hold of one, please consider buying one from me. They look practically the same, possibly just a few differences in the veining but hey it's worth it!
If you are interested, send me your name and paypal email so that I may send you one. US buyers only.
Thank you everyone and have a great week!


  1. hello erica. :) i got the sleek i-divine palette in a custom purchase on YouTube. one of the YouTube gurus from the UK did the custom purchase for me, since they're only available in the UK. HTH.

  2. I looove Petticoat!
    thanks for the dupe..

  3. thanks for this post! i really want the msf's but the price... oh man that price tag, it's just too much!

  4. Hi do u still ahve these:) and will u ship to Singapore.. thnks:)

  5. Why am i, I still have them, which ones were you interested in? I'd be happy to ship to you just let me know!

  6. thnsk a bunch:) am intesred in the MoonStone.. one tht has more of the darker veining since I am NC 45:) wud u have tht...also is the sunstone dark enuf? do lemme know how much it wud cost with shipping to Singapore.. thnks a bunch!!really nice of u:)

  7. hey there:) do lemme know if u r still selling:) thnaks!

  8. hey there.. lmk is poss thnks!

  9. Why am I:
    Yes I am still selling them, unfortunately it is going to be really difficult since I no longer use paypal. But then again we can try other ways, what do you have in mind?

  10. hi there... uhuh dunno how much i can pay ya?? i just bought petticoat cos i didint receive a reply:( howver i still dont mind getting these hehe:)

  11. I am very interested in moonstone!!! Can you ship to Brazil? How much?
    Thanks :)
    My email:

  12. hi,

    You still have any left? I am from Singapore. What mode of payment do you accept?

  13. San,
    Hi! I do have only moonstone left, which one did you want? I can accept paypal or send me a western union made money order. I will ship to Singapore but shipping will be a little bit more due to the fact that it is overseas...Hope this help, let me know if you have any more questions! :)

  14. Hi am interested in the moon stone shipped to Singapore:) shipping is usualy abt 2 USD for an MSF:) lmk!! i can pay by paypal, and send it as a gift (personal) so there is no charge for ya:) have feedback on MUA. Thank you

  15. Sapna:
    I'm not sure what you mean???
    I will sell it to you for $10 USD and I will have to find out how much it would be to ship to Singapore, as soon as I find out I'll get back to you!
    Thanks for being so patient!

  16. hi, do you still have moonstone available? :)

  17. Yes I still do, were you interested in buying one from me?

  18. I actually am! How many do you have available? Do you still have Sunstone? Also, are they still sealed/in boxes or whatnot?

  19. I have 2 moonstones and 1 sunstone...They have this plastic seal on it...The sunstone I have has been swatched but never worn...Just let me know ok? Thanks :)

  20. ahh, that's awesome!:) I'd really like all 3 of them. what type of payment do you accept? I don't have paypal, though. :(

  21. No problem but I only accept paypal...Creating an account is really easy though!

  22. Hi Do you still have the NYC Sunstone available?

  23. wow... thank u for posting this...

    would appreciate it so much if you would follow me too...

  24. do you have any moonstone left?

    1. I'm so sorry but it's been months since I sold any, I threw away the remainders of what I had left!
