
Mar 21, 2009

Journal Entry/Depotting lipstick!

What a sad day it was for me....Yesterday I de-tubed my first 2 MAC lippies, hence the Sad face baby pic above. I was totally ready, it had been 5 yrs since I bought that lipstick called Strength. It was the only MAC lippie I had up until like 2006, lol. In 2006 I bought Lame. I actually used up more Lame than I did the Strength one. Anyways, after much thought I finally decided to depot out the remainder lipstick and save the tube for Back 2 MAC. That is the only good thing about giving up these 2 old friends, you get a new lippie or e/s for free! Awww, but I'm still sad about it, don't know why! : D
I did finally get over it and decided to look on the bright side, I COULD just trade for another one (another Lame or Strength) but that is no fun getting the same one you already had. I'll probably just end up getting Lame and another one I haven't had already. So yeah, that is my little story of the moment! I depotted a whole bunch of eyeshadows the other day and saved the little pots and after this lipstick ceremony I had enough Back 2 MAC products to turn in, so I had exactly 12 things to bring to MAC. So now the oldest lipsticks I have are Ruby Woo from 2006 and Jist 2006, 2 very pretty colors. I'm so excited though, I'm going in a just a few minutes, gotta get ready! I got to stop by Sephora as well to pick up a bath gel, I'm sure you've heard of it, called Sephora Vanilla Cupcake? OMG, this stuff smells amazing. So here are the pics I took of the lipstick retirement, haha!
I saved the remainder in these little MAC sample jars. Not sure if they are even good still, Strength smells a little funny but Lame still smells like Vanilla- Mmmm! :)

1 comment:

  1. Hermana... remember that lippies have a shelf life of no more than two years chica. Sad but true!!!
