
Apr 27, 2009

Journal Entry

My diet is not going so well! ha ha, I generally have no will-power but lately all the good eats that are suppose to be bad for you have been showing up in front of my face and that's not a good thing. This whole weekend has been somewhat of a calorie fest. This is definitely a test of my will-power and I'm ready to fight it this week and the next upcoming weeks because this is just ridiculous, lol. I know I have gained a few lbs when my lower back starts hurting while sleeping because whenever I go on a diet and lose weight my back doesn't hurt, but as soon as I gain some my back starts hurting. Oh well, I'll just have to keep trying! It's not so much the sweets but it's food that get's me, I love pasta and potatoes, rice and bread, so I really have no will-power when it comes to this food...I know how to grub!
    What is the deal with foundations by Chanel, Dior, Origins, Makeup forever, Clinique, and Prescriptives?! I went over the weekend to browse & pick a different foundation just to try something different so I'm not using the same MAC foundie. So I try all these foundie's and none have the correct color of my skintone. I have a very weird skintone, it beige with golden-yello undertones with hints of glowy red.....weird right! I would have thought that even Prescriptives would at least have a match because they are the supposed 'perfect match' people, but no. Makeup forever has more of a pink undertone, which I am not! And Clinique makes you just look too pastie, white-like and grey. So I guess I'm stuck with MAC for now, at least I still have minerals and my Dream Matte mousse that I love. I'm starting to wear bronzer. As a matter of fact I don't really need it because I am tan enough as it is, but this past Saturday I saw a beauty hour on QVC with Bobbi Brown that changed my outlook on bronzer. She had this bronzer that I would have loved to buy but was way out of my price-range, so I decided to do a little research for good quality, high-rated bronzers and found a few to try. I ended up buying the Rimmel Natural face bronzer, which happens to be highly-rated, and a best-seller and is the best for value, Physicians Formula bronzer called bronze boost (fyi: all bronzers by Physicians formula are great), and the MAC natural MSF in deep dark, which is soooo pretty. I will post a blog entry and pics soon. I made a video on bronzing, so check it out if you can. I never really put much thought into bronzing my face since I was tan anyway, but I really like the look of the bronzer when applied correctly and I love to look glowy and tanned and just overall healthy on my face! Loving it! I might even go on a bronzer haul next month :P Everyone have a beautiful day! It's going to thunderstorm over where I'm at!


  1. Diet coke with bacon? Is that for real? I never had one or seen with that flavor. But they said Diet soda actually makes you gained more or everytime I said I will diet I ended up gaining more weight too. So I just give up. :-)

  2. Rochelle,
    haha, this pic was from the web,it's not real :)
    I hate diet soda, I actually lose more weight when drinking regular soda.
