
May 1, 2009

My thoughts on Rose Romance by MAC

Basically, I ended up getting very few things from this collection because I really wasn't liking the colors. Mostly everything was indeed dupable with an exception of the lip color C-thru's (which I did not get) because personally I don't like looking like I have no lipstick on, my lips are thin and dry looking enough as it is so I was sure not getting those. The lipglasses seemed pretty but just about looked the same as other colors I own. The powders were nice but not too appealing to me, I would have disappointed myself if I had only got them just because of the rose imprint so I had to pass on those. Eyeshadows were dupable, but were nice. The e/s called Creme de violet looked alot like an eyeshadow I had, Lavender Sky. Here's what I did end up getting though. I had to have that Mutiny pigment for sure since I'm just now starting my collection of pigments and I missed Mutiny when it came out last time so I made sure to pick it up. I also got the Lipstick A Rose Romance, which is a pretty cotton candy pink with shimmer, which happened to remind me of a lippy I already had. So with much research turns out A Rose Romance lipstick looks alot like Pink Fish from the Hello Kitty collection!... except with the shimmer. I like it anyways because it is slightly different, but in a weird way I can't tell a difference between the two. Oh! and I also got a free mini Zoomlash Mascara, thank you MAC :P

And for some reason the Mutiny pigment reminded me alot of the pigment Aire de blu, which I have, I did a side-by-side comparison and they are just a tad alike but Mutiny is a bit brighter in color.

Swatch of Aire de blu and Mutiny Pigments

So, what are your thoughts on the A Rose Romance collection?

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