
May 11, 2009

Journal Entry

  • I had a great Mother's day! I hope all you mommies and mommies-to-be had a great one as well! My day started off with sleeping in, which I'm sure was most requested by mommy's, then me and the familia went to eat brunch, which was really good! I had my favorite- Cheese enchilada's, even though I shouldn't have, but who cares! it was mother's day! Then we went to Target so I could browse in the makeup section :D I ended up getting more Milani mineral powder since I was running out, love that stuff! Then we visited with my grandmother, whom in fact is my 'mother' by choice, long story. She is the greatest of all, so we went by there and spent some time and then I got dropped off at my house and my husband took the kiddos to my in-laws house for a few hours so I could rest, relax or do whatever I wanted alone at my house! Very relaxing! After they came back I took a trip down to Wal-mart to spend some of my mother's day money, I spent alot of time in the makeup isle and handbags too! I went home afterwards and enjoyed an easy dinner of chili dogs with my family. Yes, mother's day was in fact very nice for me! I'll include pics in the next post to show you what I got.
  • I just wanted to let you all know that you must be careful with ebay and paypal. Over the weekend some dirtbag from HongKong hacked into my paypal account and charged me a few hundred dollars. I found out today by email. I was furious (I still am). It didn't take me long to race over to my bank to get them started an a fraud alert. After all this is over with I'm going to close my account with ebay and paypal because this is ridiculous. Paypal is suppose to prevent stuff like this from happening. I already submitted a dispute with paypal *keeping fingers crossed*. I'm really upset about it so I just wanted to warn everyone to keep an eye out with your ebay & paypal accounts. I'll keep you posted.
  • I'm so excited to be a tia again! My sister-in-law is pregnant with her 3rd child and I couldn't be more happier for her! Congrats Joann!
  • Everyone please have a great week! Talk to you soon! :)

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