
Sep 19, 2009

CLOSED: Winners of Blog Anniversary Giveaway

1st Prize goes to Niika
2nd Prize Mel B.
3rd Prize Pink note
4th Prize (heart) Mia
5th Prize Taryn F.
6th Prize Kiki Xiong
7th Prize Adriana C.
8th Prize Kate
9th Prize Geraldine

Congrats to the winners! You will receive an email, you have 2 weeks to respond to my email. Thank you everyone! If any winners can't be contacted I will be choosing new winners :)


  1. *gasp* i won!

    i am so excited right now! :D

    can't wait to read ur email!
    and can't wait to receive my prize, whatever it may be!

    thanks dear!!! :) :)

  2. congrats girls!!! enjoy your goodies!

  3. Congratulations to everyone!

  4. omg i can't believe i won first prize

  5. YEY!!!! I won! haha I was literally jumping up and down coz this is my first time to win a blog contest! Thanks Lali.Amora! Will be sending a reply to your email after this comment!

    Thanks again and more power to your blog! Will do a post about this soon too! Weeee!

  6. yay, I won ! lol.
    but i was wondering if you sent out the emails yet ??? Cause I don't think I've gotten it, if you did.
