
Jan 29, 2010

My Obsession: MAC lipsticks!

I'm super excited for this weekend, I'm thinking about piggin' out at my all-time favorite sushi place on Sat. but not sure yet....Gosh, and the time has flown by so quickly it's already going to be February and I'm getting bigger! It's a little surprising but everytime I think to myself that I have like 3 more months left to go I get all excited :) Time really does go by so fast!.... Lots of good things coming up in the next few weeks too...I'm moving into a new home and baby is coming in May!
So I knew the time would come that I would display for you all my favorite part of being a makeup junkie - swatches and pics of my latest MAC lipstick collection....What a sweet array of colors :) It may not be much but it's good enough for me...The original dubbed 'Lipstick Army' name was from the all-time amazing Nessa. Check out her Lipstick Army here!

My lipstick Army.....Names after the pics....

Don't know what was wrong with my camera but the single ones on the bottom came out blurry, gah I need a new camera :)

{LE - Limited Edition lipsticks}

Eden Rocks
Cute Ster - LE
Pink Plaid

Profusion - LE
Flowerplay - LE
Viva Glam II
Lavender Whip - LE
Girl About Town
Kanga Rouge - LE
New York Apple
Saint Germain
Cream de la Femme
Ruby Woo
Fast Thrill - LE
Hang Up
Russian Red
Honey Love
Gilty Kiss - LE
Blast O Blue - LE
Big Bow - LE
A Rose romance - LE
Lady Danger


  1. Wow that's some collection. Loving all the colors! My favorite MAC lipstick is O. You should check that one out. :)

  2. Mz. More: I need to check out that color, I'm going shopping this weekend!

  3. Hello,

    Thats a lot of lippy :) that blue one is funky!

    Don't forget to follow back, If your not already :)
    & enter my competition :)

    Lots of love,

  4. Katie: The blue one is funky! and sheer :)

    and I just bought another lippie yesterday, lol

  5. Great lipstick army! LOL Nice assortment you have there, very pretty colours indeed. My MAC lippie collection is quite lame, yours totally kicks ass! XO

  6. Whoa, those are some lovely and out there colours! I did not see a swatch for 'Blast O Blue' btw. lol
