
Mar 16, 2010

Clearing up break-outs and random pimples

I asked a favorite makeup guru of mine what she recommended I do about my stupid zits that I only get on my forehead.....I got tired of trying different things.....everytime I clear a few up, I get replacements....and I have a bad habit of removing them only for them to leave scarring.....I hate it.....trying to apply my makeup and having to constantly cover my scars and other acne on my forehead....I longed for it to look smooth, bright and clear...only it comes out uneven and weird, and cakey.

She suggested I use a good benzoyl peroxide acne treatment, make sure to exfoliate, and to apply a good moisturizer due to the dryness that the bp would leave...she also suggested I use a yellow based concealer to cover up the scars or redness. I knew that using the bp cream would dry out my already dry skin but I was willing to try anything!

Please keep in mind that these steps for clearing up pimples works for me on my skin and for my skin type...I'm not an acne expert, I'm just sharing the info about what works for me, so if you want to try this out for yourself please do so at your own risk! :)

On a nightly basis, here is what I do for treatment.....

1. Using a 10% Benzoyl Peroxide treatment cream: Before I go to sleep at night I use the cream directly on the zits or in places that I wanted clearing up, not sure why but for me the cream works on my really does erase them haha! I don't rub in until it vanishes but I smear on a good amount and leave it there til it dries up a white color. Here is what I've learned about these creams: You can buy them just about anywhere....I've noticed it doesn't matter what brand you use, Benzoyl Peroxide is the same everywhere, even the cheap Family Dollar ones are just as good.....Walmart, Walgreens, Dollar General, CVS, Rite-aid, wherever you may see them you can use them just as long as they are 10% Benzoyl Peroxide and hasn't expired.....I'm currently using the Family Dollar brand and I also use the CVS brand gel. Benzoyl Peroxide comes in a few concentrations, I just happen to like more concentration, that is why I chose 10%.
By morning it may have rubbed off but I rinse it off with water anyway and apply moisturizer all over my face.

2. On the Second, Third or Fourth day of treatment: I will began to have noticed quite a bit of flaking, dry patches, what have you, on the site where I applied the bp..... For this I will use a small amount of face scrub to remove the dry skin....I won't use this scrub everyday but only when I notice the dry flaking.....Honestly I've tried a few face scrubs but none have interested me more than my HG Apricot Scrub by St Ives. I use a pea-sized amount and scrub off the dry skin....My tip: let the scrub do the work, not your fingers....don't force scrub on your face, gently hold the scrub and let the scrub work it's magic. *Important - while treating, don't use a mud mask...those tend to reduce oil and cause more dryness....not good. Wait until a few days or weeks to use mud masks again.

3. Before makeup or during the day 'spot moisturization': I use a good quality moisturizer. Here are my faves -
- Avon pm Maximum Moisture
- Clinique Dramatically Diff. Moisturizing lotion
- Neutrogena daily moisturizer

I use the Neutrogena before I apply my makeup.....during the day if I notice a bit more skin flaking I will dab on the Avon cream only on those spots. The Clinique I use at night or sometimes before my makeup.

4. I patiently wait a few days for the final phases of treatment: This clearing up isn't something that will happen have to be patient....I wait it out a few days....Yeah my skin might have dry patches and such, but that is the beauty of it all, going thru the tough phase and when all is said and done my skin comes out clear and back to normal again.....

My thoughts on the whole thing: Hopefully it will last, haha! Before my next breakout....then I get to repeat the whole process :)