
Sep 14, 2010

Favorite face lotion: Clinique Dramatically Different lotion

Some lotions are just meant to be :) I take this lotion as an example. What I love about it is that it’s so comforting and it keeps my skin hydrated and soft. I’m usually not one to go and buy higher end face lotions, one from CVS is fine by me, but this one is so different.
I used to put on this lotion all the time about 5 yrs ago. It was actually a sample that I had with a GWP set. I loved it, I used it all up and kept putting off buying it again. When I had the choice to choose between the DD Gel or the DD Lotion I opted for the latter since I felt I needed more concentrated moisturization.
I’ve always loved keeping my face hydrated, the reason for it, I don’t want nor need premature lines and wrinkles (another reason why we all need sunscreen!) All you dry skin gals out there, please take note…’s worse for you, because you’re usually the first one before all of us oily’s and combo’s to get lines and wrinkles.
So all you gals out there that skip the lotion part of your daily face routine please don't! Moisturizing your face is important! At least I think so!

What is your favorite face lotion? Do you have dry, oily or combo skin?


  1. I just tried this! It made my skin feel really nice. I have combo skin...I was loving the Alba aloe and green tea moisturizer but lately its been making my makeup look all gross so I'm on the search for the next one!

  2. OMG!!! I just HAD TO go to the mall yesterday to get mine..I use the gel though..I ran out and started using cetaphils moisturizer and aveenos moisturizer and they both made my face have like an allergic reaction....they kinda burned my skin ...I cant live with out Clinique's dramatically different moisturizing gel!!
