
Sep 2, 2010

Physicians Formula Makeup Challenge #1

Physicians Formula is hosting a Makeup Challenge on their website....Your challenge: Make your eyes Pop! with color....

"Create your own makeup video and you could win $5000!"

How cool is that? I wanted to view the entries for the contest, so today I browsed around but so far there are not that many entries, but the one that stood out to me the most was a video made by user name eyeslovePF (her screenshot above). Check out her video and vote for her!

Along with the money you could have a chance to win other fab prizes! So for all you gals out there that like the Physicians Formula Shimmer Strips eyeshadows or if you just want to enter to win some stuff you might wanna get more info about this challenge!


  1. Sounds like a great contest. Will you be doing it as well?

  2. The contest is actually on!
