
Sep 18, 2010

Save your letters and numbers on MAC brushes

Don't you hate it when the lettering disappears from your MAC brushes? I learned my lesson from my first 217. Never believing that lettering could quickly disappear from a prestigious brand such as MAC, I learned to adapt and do something about it.

By covering brush lettering with thin tape the letters are protected nicely and it lasts....this way has always worked for me. I'm not sure where I got the idea of laminating to protect certain lettering and writing, I must have been in high school when hair spray and Dooney purses were a must, haha

Very easy to do! I take my brush, I dry it and wipe it free of dust, lint or other particles. I use a very thin tape, I think the best to use is thin packing tape...I carefully place the tape on the lettering first and smooth it out on the black part of the handle, I only place the tape once on the lettering, I do not layer. Once I have only 1 layer on the brush handle I cut off the excess.

In Time

the tape may look like so....After a while the tape on my 182 (buffer brush) started to peel off a little, I used my 109 (above) as an example- I'm not quite ready to replace the tape on my 109 and I forgot to snap a pic of the 182 before I peeled off the old tape. In any event, I slowly removed the old tape, wiped the sticky residue without disturbing the lettering, and I carefully applied the new tape (below).

I forgot to mention that some people use clear nail polish to cover the lettering...I refuse to use this method because the polish has been known to chip off along with the lettering.


  1. I use clear nail polish and it works great! I will try this next. Thanks!

  2. Great idea and love the idea from me myself and makeup of using clear nail polish :)

    Lots of love,

  3. I also use clear as well. Thanks for the tip.
