
Nov 5, 2010

Sally Hansen Nail Art nail polish pens

Where to buy: CVS, Target, Walgreens, Walmart
Price: Varies...I purchased these for $7.99 each and haven't really seen them any less anywhere else

I initially bought these to use on some fake nails to design something cute for halloween, then I was just going to keep them for future use...

My first thought:
The red was a frosty, rusty, disgusting color and the black was just horrible....Runny, watery, pale, and wouldn't stick to any surface!

A color that is good: The pure White one is really nice....the color itself is highly pigmented and stays put

So, exhibit A. Red on top, black on bottom

Notice how the black puddles in the middle and leaves the outer all grey and stupid? Also, I tested out a line on the bottom....overall it's a watery shame :(

The Red: I was not expecting it to be this frosty red-rust color, I was actually
hoping for something like a pure red creme color...

Loved the white color, but decided to return these kids back to CVS because I feel as overpriced that these are, Sally Hansen won't get my approval unless all of the pens are of good quality!

What is your favorite Nail Art pen/polish?


  1. They stained my nails! They got tossed pretty quickly.

  2. @Amanda...oh no! See, this is why I have to buy from CVS, so I can return them promptly if they make me mad, haha
