
Mar 11, 2011

Fun Colored Eye Lenses

So my obsession with colored contacts has started and probably will continue! I made my first purchase at a mall in a lovely store that sells clothes, jewelry and a small variety of makeup and there staring right at me was a small case full of brightly colored contacts. I knew I had to try at least one pair before buying other colors so I bought Sugar Gray
Fine and Clear/RainbowLens Color Cosmetic Lens, Blendy's Sugar Gray B-01

Now judging the contacts on my eyes you would have never associated ‘gray’ with the way they look on me…my eyes are naturally medium brown and the contacts when worn on my eyes look brown hazel, brown hazel with looks like it be a hint of dark green on the iris. I would really like to wear them outside of the comfort of my home but I find these really uncomfortable to wear! I’m not sure if it is the material for which these are made of or if it is the size. On a lighter note I did notice that they looked a bit more natural than any other color I saw in the stores case...but I couldn't determine that until I try them on.

Product info:
Fine and Clear Contacts: RainbowLens Color Cosmetic Lens
Price: $19.99 a pair
1. Certification: FDA Approved
2. Method: Casting Mold 100% (Soft Lens) in Blister
3. Contains: 38% water and 62% Polymacon immersed in saline
4. Size: B.C. 8.6mm DIA: 14.0mm
5. Power: 0.00
6. Expire: 1 to 3 months
Go to for more information

A few days passed and I just had to check out the other colors and decided on getting Caribbean. All I can say is wow! When I first put them on I knew instantly that I loved them but honestly when I wear them I feel like I’m walking around with alien eyes! They are pretty to look at but I'm not sure if I'd actually wear them out? Maybe…. just maybe to go out to dinner or maybe to go dancing but never for daytime wear, yes they are that intense in color!

Fine and Clear/RainbowLens Color Cosmetic Lens, Misty's Caribbean M-02

-Sorry if the pic is blurry :/ ....Both colors seem to possess that circle lens look, what I mean by this is that when I wear these lenses my eye size gets a bit larger, noticeably because of looking at the outline of the iris.

Just like the Sugar Gray ones the Caribbean ones are uncomfy! It’s disappointing because I really like to wear colored contacts, I’ve worn colored contacts in the past and I know how they are suppose to feel and etc, but with these I can’t find myself to wear them no more than 10 minutes.

I did buy another pair of lenses from a different brand...I threw away the packaging and totally forgot to write it down, oops! I’ll do a review on those soon.

Other places have been recommended to me to try out…I have already made a wishlist!
If you wear colored contacts, what are your favorites brands and colors?



  1. the lenses look great on u!! the first 2 look really natural on u... but I like the Carribean on u the best... btw, I'm lovin your eye makeups... & the blush on the second picture... what did u use?? prettY!

  2. AnNeTtEe, I thought so too about the 1st picture, those are the only ones that look natural lol I have on Peachtwist blush by MAC, I think... :)

  3. how long do they last???? i just bought a pair and haven't opened it yet... from Jen

  4. what kind of solution do u put them in? i bought the vilot and i love them just dont know how to maintain them?

  5. They look great! Where can I purchase these?
