
May 6, 2011

Hard Candy Fox in a Box

'A highly pigmented multi-color powder compact that will surely bring out your inner foxy lady. Each box contains coordinated shades that blend together perfectly and a custom Hard Candy applicator brush. Sweep across chin, cheeks, and forehead and unleash the foxiness in you!'

I love this! What I find most interesting is that it is highly pigmented so you need a tiny amount on your blush brush and a very light hand to create the most perfect peached cheeks. I bought mine at Walmart (where else? lol) and cost me $5.99, great price for a high pigment blush.

-Lasting Power-

When I wear this it stays on all day. I can appreciate that kind of staying power because I really don't like to re-apply during the day. I find it stays on whether I'm wearing liquid foundation, powder foundation, or primer under my makeup...whatever the case, it lasts!


How cute is it? :) I find that it resembles much of Benefit's boxed blushes and bronzers. This one comes with a cute tiny blush brush on the inside cover of the box, I don't use it since it is a bit harsh on the face, nevertheless, it is cute!


Using the above picture as reference, the lighter pink color is a nice light pink color with very low frost and shimmer which can be used as a highlight color on darker skin tones....from my experience, the color is a nice small tint of color on my beige tan skin. The peachy warm color on the right side is the star of the product. It is a beautiful warm peach color which shows up on the skin just as is in the packaging. As mentioned before, you need a very light hand and a small amount on the blush brush to create the perfect color on the cheeks. 

-Product Details-

 Just comparison to Benefit's boxed face blushes and powders, HC Fox in a Box 'Skinny Dipping' contains 5.7 grams of product where as most of Benefit's contains 12.0 grams. HC Fox in a Box costs about a fraction of what Benefit's boxed blushes, compare HC at $5.99 and Benefit's $28.00.

Visit to see other boxed colors

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