
Oct 13, 2011

My Top 5 Beauty Sins

Saw this Tag on the lovely Christiana's blog so I decided to put together a list. I tag anyone to do the same....Ok here goes! :)

Sin #5. I use to add hair gel to my nearly empty mascara tube.

I don't do this anymore but I use to back in my high school days when I didn't have enough money to go out and buy another. I have no idea what prompted me to add in the hair gel, I thought that it would somehow mimic the mascara formula!

Sin #4. I scratch off my white heads and squeeze out my blackheads.

Only on my nose but nevertheless this is some strange habit of mine that I'm not proud of. If I see them on my nose I am so quick to squeeze them out. I think it all started when I would use those blackhead nose strips which for me is a love/hate relationship, sometimes it gets them all out and sometimes it doesn't!

Sin #3. I don't take off my makeup every night.

I know, I know, 'Never be too busy to be beautiful'....It is a motto that I stand beside and have said many times but seriously I have 2 kids and a toddler at home and I work full-time, Most days I am so exhausted I go into dream mode putting my 1 yr old to sleep with a plan of getting up about 30 mins later to wash my face, paint my nails, etc BUT when I DO wake up it's time for me to get up and start the day all over again! lol

Sin #2. I use to wear face powder that was too light for me.

Those ghastly white casts in the old photos, and the favorite compact puff tucked neatly inside by the mirror. Yep I was one that fell victim to this classic! This was back in the day before we cherished makeup brushes and drugstore makeup companies were ho-hum about selling makeup and powder that matched REAL skintones!

AND my #1 Beauty Sin......I use to share my makeup with my friends all the time. that I think about it, what the hell was I thinking? lol :)

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