
Feb 18, 2010

Biore gel cleanser

Good morning all! I'm so glad it's Friday!

So I've been looking for a deep cleansing face that is deep cleansing enough to remove all my stubborn makeup but was not too harsh for my skin....meaning I didn't want it to feel really tight and dry after washing...I hate that...but I did need for it to be super cleansing to remove all my eye makeup and all traces of foundation....I used to love using my orange deep clean by Neutrogena but found that it was way too harsh for my skin....although it did a great job I was looking for something a little more gentler and cheap.....I love using the Cleansing Oil by MAC but I can't afford a bottle of that stuff especially if I'll be using it on a daily basis, the same for the MAC wipes....I do love my MAC wipes but even those are expensive for using everyday...not to mention it is just a wipe which I would end up needing a little soap to wash my face overall afterwords anyway....So I went back to my all-time favorite Noxema, but to me I like Noxema for those days that I don't wear calms and soothes my skin, cleans away dirt and other 'things' in the air....I love the way it makes my skin feel but it was not a makeup remover I trailed on back to the store to do some more research and found Biore.

Now I love Biore for their nose know those little sticky paper strips that you apply to your nose and chin to remove those nasty black heads....but I never really looked into their face soap or skincare line. They have 2 or 3 other soaps to choose from but I chose this one because it was less confusing and simple to's a soap that removes all traces of makeup, cleanses your skin without disturbing the natural balance in your skin....I loved that! So indeed I was anxious to try it out.

The soap is a gel soap....light green in color and is not harsh at all...The afterwards feel of my skin: clean but yet still moisturized but not oily at all....My face felt smooth and supple. I use 2 pumps to remove eye makeup and about 2 - 3 pumps for my entire face (a little goes a long way). I bought mine at a local grocery store, but I'm not sure if I've seen them in CVS or Walgreens. I paid $7 for mine. 

Now when I ever try out a new makeup remover cleanser soap I always do my severe and dramatic eye and face makeup test...I use UDPP for the shadows and I also used a dark liner to line my brows and I went over them about 3 times to really work it in! Not only did I layer on the shadows about 3 times but I made sure to use those high-pigmented shadows.

(haha, I look so funny, just for soap testing purposes, do not try this look at home!)

....I load up my face with the blackest eyeshadow, the darkest eyeliner, and the most stay put mascara I own, I wait a few minutes then I go wash up.....
Pretty good....Actually I was really impressed!

The Biore removed all traces of makeup and foundation....rinsing off the soap was very easy - I wanted to throw that in there since some face soaps tend to be too thick and you end up splashing more and more water to try to rinse it off, but this one was really easy to rinse off. I usually dry my face with a pure, true white, bleached, dry wash cloth that I use only on my face and I try to see if any residue or colors show up on the wash cloth, but didn't see any at all so this soap is a winner! I love the way the Biore smells too! Not too strong, very light and airy....I can't describe the smell other than it smells clean and comforting...if I may say, it has small notes of aloe and green tea or something of that sort.


  1. lol@ the dont try this at home!hehe
    awww u make me relle wanna try this!!too bad its not available here!!even of it was,it'd overpriced

  2. Vanilla: I swear I don't want to look stupid on the internet, lol!

    I'm so sorry it's not avail in your country, maybe you can order on the internet?
