
Feb 17, 2010

Tag: 40 Beauty Questions answered

So I found this tag that's been circulating on Youtube and thought I would give it a shot :) I was not tagged to do this and I wasn't going to wait around to be tagged because I knew that nobody wouldn't, ha! But very interesting to see other's answers so feel free to complete this also! I was going to make a video but not sure yet : /

Valentine's recap: I made these for my 3 favorite Valentines guys at home...They were soooooooo good! I also made banana's and pineapple!

Also, just a little note, there has been an important update on my giveaway post...

Anywho, here is the Tagged stuff!

-How many times do you wash your face daily? Once, only at night and I wash it regardless if I'm wearing makeup that day.

-What skin type do you have? (dry,oily,combo) During the winter months I have dry but any other time of the year I have combo.

-What is your current facial wash? I use Biore skin cleansing gel

-Do you exfoliate? not during the winter but yes :)

-What brand do you use? Brand of exfoliater? St Ives Apricot Scrub.

-What moisturizer do you use? For Day I use Neutrogena untinted moisturizer w/SPF and I haven't found a great night lotion yet :( but I do want to get Clinique's Dramatically diff mois. lotion for night only :) Yes I'm very picky about my night moisturizer :)

-Do you have freckles? one or two.

-Do you use eye cream? yes

-Do you or did you have acne prone skin? only on my forehead, it drives me craaaaaaazy!

-Did you ever have to use Pro-activ? no, but I may have to start because my forehead is gon' crazy.....


-What foundation do you use? I use MAC Studio fix and sometimes Revlon Colorstay.

-How about concealer? Prescriptives camo concealer is the best :)

-Do you know your undertone color? yep

-What do you think of fake eyelashes? don't really like them but sometimes it is a need because I have very short and sparse eyelashes.

-Did you know that you are suppose to change your mascara every 3 months? yes but I use the 6 month rule :)

-What brand of mascara do you use? I love Naturale by Loreal and Covergirl Professional, the best :)

-Sephora or MAC? MAC..... I can't really stand Sephora, I ALWAYS have to return something, blah!

-Do you have a MAC Pro-card? No and don't want one.

-What makeup tools do you use in make up application? Almost every tool ever invented, haha

-Do you use make-up base/primer for the eyes? base/primer for my eyes...Yes my UDPP!!!

-For the face? Using moisturizer on your face before makeup is just like a primer so yes :) but I won't go and buy a little tube of whatever just because it says its a foundation primer, no :)

-What is your favorite eyeshadow (color or shade)? Gosh, I'm stuck on this one because I have sooooooo many. I love Folie by MAC and I love black shades...I need darker shadows because I have to reshape my eyes to fit my face since I am so FAT. Another favorite is Ricepaper by MAC.

-Do you use pencil or liquid eyeliner? Liquid and sometimes pencil.

-How often do you poke your eyes with an eyeliner pencil? not at all.

-What do you think of pigment eyeshadows? Don't really like the dark ones because they fall out all over the place but the light ones I use mostly for highlight or foiling on the lid, that looks nice :)

-Do you use mineral makeup? Yes I love Signature minerals, my fave.

-What is your favorite lipstick? omgosh, I have so many faves...Pink Plaid, Syrup, Lame by MAC and Totally nude by Too Faced, Wink by Jordana

-How about lipgloss? Any lipgloss from the Beauty Rush Victoria Secret collection :)

-What is your favorite blush to use? I love Wet n Wild silk blush, it's my fave :)

-Do you buy your makeup on ebay? No, I learned my lesson on that.

-Do you like drugstore makeup? Yes, but only a few select items, not everything is up to par.

-Do you go to CCO's? (cosmetic company outlets) YES! I looooooove it! I'm going the 1st weekend of March :)

-Did you ever consider taking make-up classes? No, unless it is free and I get something free for attending, ha!

-Are you clumsy in putting on makeup? only my eyeliner for my bottom lashline, my eyes are shaped really weird so I have to sort of plan out what shape I want them to be.... and if I mess it up I can't go back :(

-Name a makeup crime that you hate? On others? Ummmmmmm, too much liquid eyeliner or bottom lashline eyeliner, does that make sense?

-Do you like colorful shades of makeup (lipstick,eyeshadow) or neutral ones? I like ALL of them :)

-Which celebrity always has great make up? Kim Kardash, Beyonce, Rihanna -only her makeup not her hair : /  , Christina Aguilera

-If you could leave the house using just ONE make up item,what would you use? mascara.

-Could you ever leave the house without any makeup on? Yes, but it's very rare that I do

-Do you think you look good even without any makeup on? Yes only on the days that my face is blemish and problem free :)

-In your opinion, what is the BEST makeup line? ok, without a doubt I'd have to say MAC

-What do you think of Makeup?? I Looooooove it!

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