Nov 30, 2017

Halloween Costume Makeup and Running to catch those $2 Kylie Lip Kits!

This past Halloween was definitely one of my favorites in the Makeup department.....😱 My kids have a diverse imagination as you can see 😉

She wanted the Dead-bride-turns zombie look! 

I added texture latex for the peeling dead skin. I think it looked spot on. 😄I used acrylic paint on her dress to ensure anything she touches doesn't stain in red. Who wants red all over the place? Not me. 

I used dark red lipsticks and lipstick pencils for the blood details on her face. 

She was incredibly happy with the result. The downside is that we had a really hard time removing the latex from her face so I probably won't ever use it again! I wonder what other type of material I could use for this texture? I'm kind of new to this!

Okay, so coming very soon is a review of the Wet n Wild Photo Focus 👆, liquid foundation! I can't believe I waited this long to touch on this but I must share my thoughts!

Insane Sale on Kylie Matte Lip kits! 

I always make it a point to visit my local Dollar Mart because the items they have are always evolving. 

One day it's week after that Target closed out jewelry, sometimes even the pricey items like JLo or Jessica Simpson earrings and necklaces show up. One trip isn't the same. I have bought items there before to never see them sold there again. And it isn't just makeup and jewelry....they sell closed out items such as toys, party supplies, dishes, picture frames, bras and panties, leggings, scarfs, yarn, hair accessories, just to name a few. The store almost always prices everything right, so for something that probably used to cost $28, such as a pair of JLo earrings, you can grab them for $2.50. Or the Target closed out earrings probably once sold in the Target store for $12, are now $1.99. The deals are crazy. I'm a huge fan of the store. Not everything is name brand, you find items that are cheap or one of a kind. Sort of like being in a flea market but one you can go to everyday. 

Kylie Lip kits were just chilling on the makeup section of the store. At first I wasn't too sure what was inside the box but as soon as I opened them and saw the lipstick AND matching lip pencil I realized I came across an insane deal. One box costs $1.99. I bought 14.

Missing a few. One fell in a puddle of rain right before this shot 😅

The very next day the price went up to $3.99. Not too bad considering the website shows them going for $29.

I've used every color so far and I have my favorites. Posie, Vixen, Boujee. I haven't worn the dark metal green yet....Not sure when I will. 

Of course, just like a lot of their one of a kind items, the lip kits are no longer at the Dollar Mart I go to but I continue to go back and check for those rare surprises!

Color Run, San Antonio Texas 2017

Going for a run.

I started running back in 2015, and went more often in 2016, and 2017.

House Our Heroes, San Antonio Texas 2017

I hated running when I was in the Corps.

I'm not sure why I had this sudden need to accomplish running.....AND get better at it?

9/11 Heroes Run, San Antonio Texas 2017

Maybe it's because.........I'm not forced to do it.
Maybe it's because.........I can run at my own pace.
Maybe it's because.........I love to push myself to do things I thought I couldn't.

Fit Pass 2017 with Sister in Law, April Heather

I never thought I would be good at running but now seeing that I can run at my own pace without having to please anyone with my run time is a far better deal. If you were in the Marine Corps you probably know what I'm talking about. Always someone breathing mad because your run time wasn't top notch, or you were falling behind in a squad run. I hated it. To be honest, I think a small part of me dislikes it still but not like the way I used to! 

Honor Run and Ride 2017

Now that I'm free (from a strong USMC grip) running for me is mind boggling. It's not a stress reliever like it might be for other runners. It helps me think better....and I feel better after even though I acquire a headache because of it! Since beginning this journey my family has supported me from day One. Hubby. Children. They are wonderful supporters....they help me continue my goals. What family doesn't do that for their loved one?

American Heroes Relay, San Antonio Texas 2017

Feeling better after a run is what happens. 

Plus it's great knowing that I pushed myself toward a run goal for next time.
I go running to clear my mind and to keep balance and focus in my life, my kids, my loved ones, my future plans. I guess it's a refresher/renewal for my soul and a way to think about all the good things that I'm blessed with. I'll call it.....Therapy Running 💗